Girls with Goals

Posts tagged “Food Network

Oh, the places we’ll go!

Cover of "Oh, the Places You'll Go!"

Cover of Oh, the Places You'll Go!

You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes

You can steer yourself any direction you choose

You’re on your own and you know what you know

And you are the one who’ll decide where to go

– Dr. Seuss

Every graduate in the world received Oh, the Places You’ll Go! by the beloved childhood author, Dr. Seuss. Except for me, that is. In fact, I didn’t receive any motivational gifts. Unless you count money as being motivational. But high school graduation was five years ago, so that money is long gone. And I graduated from college with two degrees this past spring, but didn’t receive any money because we never had a party or sent out announcements. But at least my tax refund was plenty motivational! (That’s gone now, too). I’m seeing a pattern.

Anyway, this quote is the basis for The Life Anonymous Girls, a group my friends and I created to get our butts into gear and actually achieve the things we’ve been dreaming of for so long. We (officially) get together once a month to “weigh in” (like Weight Watchers, but for all our goals–even weight loss ones!) and set more goals for the future. We provide positive but constructive feedback to each other, as well as ideas for how we can help each other realize our goals.

If this all sounds cheesy, that’s because it is! But we’re all really excited about what we’re going to accomplish. Our group was inspired by Aarti Sequeira’s blog post on her accountability group (it worked well for her–she won “The Next Food Network Star” and now has her own show, “Aarti Paarty,” on the Food Network!) as well as Mighty Girl, a blog about achieving life goals among many other topics. I particularly love Maggie’s Mighty Life List–I’ll be sharing items from my own “Never Have I Ever” List as I complete them.

But please, follow along as my friends and I write often interesting, sometimes inspirational, rarely funny, and always self-absorbed posts about our goals and how we go about accomplishing them. And, you know, hopefully we’ll make a few friends who are just as awkward as we are.

Drop us a comment now and then so we know we didn’t make a wrong turn somewhere in cyber space. We don’t want to have to ask directions at some creepy site!

I love you all,
